Book the best care for your dog while you're away

Browse top local dog sitters, including in-home care and boarding facilities

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How it works

1. Browse sitters

Find pet care your dog will love with filters for location, accommodation, exercise needs, and more

2. Chat and book

Easily chat with pet care providers. Payment & veterinary reimbursement included on all bookings

3. Get updates

Request photos or video updates of your dog anytime and update your booking with ease

The new way to find & book loving care for your dog

Just some of our platform features include:

Veterinary reimbursement

All reservations paid on include 24 / 7 support and $1,500 in veterinary reimbursement, with additional optional coverage available anytime

Lowest cost has a simple 5% fee on all bookings (less than half other platforms), making us the most affordable way to find pet care

Payment protection

Any reservation paid via can be canceled up to 48 hours before your booking and receive a refund with absolutely 0 additional fees or charges

Live chat

Our chat allows you to seamlessly communicate with your sitter (even while traveling internationally), including photos, videos, reactions, and update requests

Cash payments

Paying cash, check, or in-person with a credit card? No problem. You can continue to chat with your sitter and manage your booking on, completely free

One platform, more options

No app download required

Doggos works on any internet-connected phone, tablet, or computer. Simply login and check on your pup from any device

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