December 8, 2023
Background checks are paid for entirely by
We check criminal records, sex offender registry databases, and verify drivers license and social security information as apart of our regular onboarding process.
Your information is processed by secure third-party, Checkr, which creates a recommendation based on the information they have been able to verify, and compares that against's business policies.
You can reach out to us to appeal the result of your background check if you think you should have passed.
Sometimes, spelling mistakes or unusual addresses can result in failures. We recommend responding to the email you received with your backgorund check status directly for ongoing support.
No. Background checks do not impact your credit, and nobody can tell that a background check was run on you except for you.
Background checks are not visible to your employer, whether you pass or fail the check. Additionally, although some background checks can request your employment information, ours do not. Your current employment information is not relevant to your elgibility to become a dog sitter on
Your background check creates a recommendation on whether or not your account should be activated on the platform, but is not a final decision. Unless your crime is specifically related to animal abuse or negligence (which we always deny), we recommend reaching out via the email you received with your background check results to request an additional review.