Book the best possible care for your dog

Browse top-rated local dog sitters and licensed boarding facilities

How it works

Find pet care you &
your dog both love

Browse nearby dog sitters with filters for location, accomodation, exercise needs, and more.

No app download required

Our super-fast website works on any device. Book, edit, chat, or browse from any phone, tablet, or computer!

Get updates on
your dogs stay

Communicate with your sitter & get daily photo/video updates about your pup via live chat.

What makes us different

Safety is part of everything we do

In addition to our multi-step application process, we're the first (and only) platform that requires every in-home dog sitter pass a video interview with staff, and businesses to have an active license.

The most flexible refund policy in the industry

Book with confidence. Any reservation on can be canceled within 48 hours of your stay for a instant refund with absolutely 0 fees or deductions from your original payment method.

The fastest-growing alternative to Rover & Wag is made with ❤️ by a small US-based team... not an asset manager. We truly care about our community and are always listening to feedback and adding new features!